House & Neighborhood
History Research

Understanding the history of your house and neighborhood can make you feel more connected to your community. I take a deep dive into the tales of your dwelling’s previous occupants and trace the evolution of your neighborhood through time. From uncovering the fascinating stories of previous owners to revealing the architectural secrets that give your property its charm, these narratives will change the way you see your home.

How it Works:

  • I chat with you about the kind of property information you’re interested in.

  • I gather the property address and any information you know about the apartment, house, or commercial property and its surroundings.

  • I determine your original Portland address (if your house was built before the 1930s).

  • I conduct comprehensive searches for both addresses (if applicable) using a wide variety of both analog and digital search tools.

  • I employ creative research techniques to scour digital records, local resources, newspapers, and anything else I can think of.

  • I follow clues to identify past occupants, nearby attractions, and intriguing events.

  • I reach out to my vast network of map nerds, regional planners, and librarians.

  • I create narratives for you about your property and its surroundings.

Portland House History Profile

  • Old Portland address (if applicable)

  • Real estate classified ads

  • First residents or notable family

  • Address and/or occupants in the news

  • Google Drive folder of corresponding digital images

Portland House
& Neighborhood History

  • Original Portland address (if applicable)

  • Real estate classified ads

  • First residents or notable family

  • Address and/or occupants in the news

  • Neighborhood, development, and subdivision information

  • Past retail, businesses, and attractions

  • Available construction and plumbing permits

  • Delano Photographics aerial photo of neighborhood vicinity

  • Sanborn Fire Insurance map (if available)

  • Architect and builder information (if available)

  • County map from Metsker's Atlases of Oregon Counties, 1929-1988 (if available)

  • Google Drive folder of corresponding digital images


Portland House History Profile: $150

Portland House &
Neighborhood History: $300